Frogs no longer croak while they are eating mobs.

Allay now move slower when not attempting to follow its owner, and will only start following its owner from a further distance than before.Allay can now be named by a Name Tag if it is already holding an item ( MCPE-153079).Allay can now be leashed if it is already holding an item ( MCPE-153068).Added Mangrove Roots and Muddy Mangrove Roots.Added Mangrove Propagule base functionality.Added new Wild Update loading screen tips.Added new Wild Update splash screen texts.Wild Update features no longer require the experimental toggle to be enabled.Features and Bug Fixes Wild Update Features Here's a list of what is new in this week's beta! As always please search and report any bugs you may find at. As we’re now approaching the final state of some features, you won't have to enable them in the experimental toggle in order to test them out this time! As always, it would mean the world to us (well, parts of it anyway) to hear your thoughts through feedback. In addition to this new biome, you’ll find features like the mud block and mangrove tree as well as its wood types included in this beta. You might have guessed it – in this week’s Bedrock Beta, we’re heading to the murky marvel that is the mangrove swamp biome.

What? Where? When? Why? I might be slightly dizzy, but I’m doing my best to muddy the waters in preparation for the grand introduction of the most bemired biome to date.